Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day we went to Fort Benton for a wonderful buffet at the Grand Union Hotel.  It was a nice day for a drive.  I hadn't been to Fort Benton since highschool when we had our divisional volleyball tournaments there-- always a blast!  I'm pretty sure I wanna retire in Fort Benton.  It's such a pretty little town right on the Missouri River.  And it's so historic too, which fits in nicely with my useless History degree! 

Downtown there is a little monument dedicated to ol' Shep.  Shep was a sheep dog that belonged to an old sheep-herder in the area.  When the sheep-herder died, his body was shipped back east on the train.  Shep had accompanied the body to the station.  Every day Shep would wait at the station, waiting for his master to come home.  Many people took pity on Shep and tried to adopt him, but he would never stay, showing up every day to see if his owner had come back for him.  He did this daily for about 5 years until he died.  For a way better, more complete story, please click "HERE".  It's very touching.  I've always loved that story.

The Grand Union, built in 1882 was open for around 100 years before closing in the 1980's.  Some people from Montana bought it in 1997 and began the long process of restoring it to its former glory.  It is very beautiful inside and out. 

The buffet was out of this world!  They had 3 different seating times, with each time having a different menu.  Our menu consisted of a flatbread appetizer with carmelized onions, a spinach and strawberry salad, Turkish apricot cous cous, basil whipped potatoes, mixed vegetables, roasted chicken with a honey glaze, pork loin stuffed with blueberry stuffing, and a perfectly grilled flank steak with an ancho-chilli lime sauce.  The food was absolutely astounding. I couldn't pick out a single favorite.  It was unbelievable.  Oh and the dessert table!  It was so disgusting how we piled our plates up, but man was it yummy!  There was the caramel cheesecake.  Oh man. To die for.  And so many many other things I can't even think.  Needless to say we didn't need supper when we got home!  Mom and I had to take a little walk down the block and back.

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