Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dad's Birthday Dinner

This year for Dad's birthday, mom and I decided to cook him a special Czechoslovakian dinner, with recipes that my family use to make.  I made some Rohlicky (crescent rolls with poppyseeds).

Mom made some Kolaches, fruit filled pastries, sometimes filled with cottage cheese or a poppyseed filling.

For dinner mom cooked some duck.  Not neccesarily a Czech dish, but when we went over to my grandmas for a special dinner they would make duck.  We also had sour beans, another regular dish at grandmas.  And we made a dish called Bubke.  It's sort of like a crumbled pancake topped with lettuce and a slightly sweetened vinegar and cream sauce.  I hadn't had that in years, so it was fun to try again.
For dessert, mom and I attempted to make Babovka.  This is a ring shaped bread that has a poppyseed filling.  I don't think our recipe was quite what Dad had had before, but it was still pretty tasty.  I had never had it before and mom hadn't made it before either, so we gave it our best effort!  It was a fun dinner to do, and it was pretty fun getting back to my "roots".  Happy Birthday Dad!

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